Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hi everyone! I was the parent helper this morning, and it was super fun. Natasha has amazing patience and enthusiasm -she's an inspiration to me. It was so much fun to meet the new friends and see the new class dynamics. In circle time, we read the Berenstain Bears Go to School, which was all about Sister Bear starting kindergarten. Center time was a total madhouse, with lots of dressing up and clacking around in shoes. Zaye, Caleb and Sophie showed exceptional puzzle skills. 

We had bagels, cream cheese, peanut butter and juice for snack, which the kids seemed to like (several just ate blobs of cream cheese off of their placemats). After snack, we went outside for playground time, then on a nature walk to the Littlefield House where each child picked up a leaf. When we got back to the classroom, we traced the leaves onto colored construction paper and then used - SCISSORS - to cut them out! Some kids were totally into the scissors, and some weren't that interested. Tiago did a really good job with scissor control. Peter drew some awesome monsters. Laney traced her hand. Jocelyn did an amazing leaf and then did a cool sunflower.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Days

Hello fellow coop mamas - I just wanted to fill you in a little on the first two days and share some photos before I crash. Overall, I think the first couple of days have been good. Only one tricky spot which came at the end of day one when I was trying to coordinate mats and which child was going where at the end of the day - but problem solved on Tuesday. The kids have been playing well together. The dress up brigade,with Emma as their leader (Ava, Jocelyn, Elena, Sophie, Emma and at times Anjali and Reva) have been dancing and pretending up a storm. As far as other pretending goes, Santi was a cat today and he managed to do some cartwheels. Laney has been the "mommy" to Elena two days stright now and Tiago was a fireman. Peter and Zaye are still finding their niche but Peter has taken to the animals and the dollhouse. Zaye is quite fond of books. Sophie is a puzzle wiz. Santi and Tiago have become sticker and stamp crazy (spiderman in case anyone wants to bring extras in). Reva is learning how to take pictures (the one of Anjali is taken by her). I have started measuring everyone for the "watch me grow wall "(hence the solo photos). The room is not quite finished, but I will put the finishing touches on this weekend after we unpack our house. Also, look for our September newsletter by Monday. Hmmm, anything else?...Jocelyn is our in-house artist always creating something. Caleb could listen to books on the reading rug the entire day and not move, if I let him. Sophie and Santi both earned a "magical coin" for the treaure box for helping their friends open the string cheese without anyone asking. Anjali and Ava graciously showed the class some yoga moves to transition into nap time. Ava and Zaye are the our biggest coposition book fans, writing whenever the have moment. A big thanks to Lin and Kim who co-oped the first two days, it was a treat to work with you both. Until next time, Natasha

Friday, August 1, 2008

Last Day of 2's!

Does anyone know if the kids are doing anything special for their last day (Monday, August 18)? I'm debating about whether to send Emma to her grandparents the weekend before, or to wait until Monday evening.